Mitzi Henley

Okaloosa County

Mitzi Henley (Okaloosa County)earned her Bachelor of Science Degree from Culvershouse School of Business at the University of Alabama. She enjoys a career in Real Estate Development and Retail, as President/CEO of several local businesses serving the Emerald Coast. She’s passionate about her family, faith, job creation, and healthy growth development in Northwest Florida. She believes in empowering women, youth, people with disabilities, and career development so allreach their best potential. In 2018 she was appointed Commissioner District 2- Okaloosa County Commission on the Status of Women by Board of County Commissioners and serves on the Board of the National Association of Commissionsfor Women.

She led the creation of Okaloosa County’s Women’s LEAD Summits educating the community on signs of Human Trafficking and Mental Health Awareness. She’s a Rotarian and community servant to many local organizations. In 2009 Mitzi was Inducted to Okaloosa County Women’s Hall of Fame. She received N.A.P.E.W. “Women of Excellence Award,” Florida Retail Federation “Outstanding Retailer Award,” ICSC “Community Service Award,” Goodwill’s “Outstanding Company Award,” United for a Good Cause “Community Business Award,” and awarded the 2023 State of Florida Community Advocate of the Year by Attorney General of Florida, Ashley Moody, for her work on Human Trafficking awareness.

Voices of Florida Women Survey

The goal of this study is to identify key issues facing women, understand critical needs women and their communities perceive as important, build trust with constituents, and highlight the diverse viewpoints of all segments of the population from across the state.

Read The Report