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2024 Nominations Are Now Closed
The Spirit of Community Awards recognizes meritorious women and men who have improved the lives of women of Florida and have served as positive role models for women and girls in their community.
The 2022 Voices of Women survey identified key issues and the critical needs women and families perceive as important in their communities and highlights the viewpoints of all segments of the population from across the state.
The contest is open to all students in grades K – 12. This year’s theme is “Women in Public Service”. The deadline for submissions is February 29, 2024.
The Florida Commission on the Status of Women has selected ten outstanding nominees that have been sent to the Governor for selection of up to three inductees into the 2023 Florida Women’s Hall of Fame.
The goal of this study is to identify key issues facing women, understand critical needs women and their communities perceive as important, build trust with constituents, and highlight the diverse viewpoints of all segments of the population from across the state.