Cathye Onur
Cathye Onur (Jacksonville) is the We Care Referral Coordinator at Volunteers in Medicine Jacksonville. In this role, she has donated 1,230 hours of time and expertise since July 2022. A retiree after 40 years in management at Consolidated Labs, she was familiar with the crucial role of nonprofit clinics and hospitals in providing charity care. “I saw first-hand how important it was to help people get the care they needed,” Cathye said. “At VIM, I try to make sure no one falls through the cracks.” Cathye handles hundreds of specialty referral cases each year, making sure patients receive care in a timely fashion. “I feel blessed to have access to care,” Cathye says, “but we still have to level the playing field for others who are not so fortunate.” With this spirit, Cathye is an advocate for every patient. Her dedication, quick mind, and warm heart have made her a popular presence at VIM as well as a stellar volunteer.